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Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office seizes a city councillor candidate for allegedly buying tickets with cash

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-06-15
  • View count:133

Prosecutors Wu Xin-lan, Zhang Jian-qiang, Lu Ya-chun, Li Xin-yu, and Chen Yu-wen commanded the Chiayi City Investigation Station, the Criminal Police Brigade of the Chiayi City Government Police Department, the First and Second Subbureaus and the Criminal Police Department to set up a special team to investigate the candidate for the Councilor surnamed Li in Chiayi City In the case of buying votes with cash, on the Oct.20th , with the search tickets issued by the Chiayi District Court , they searched two middlemen and summoned total of 14 candidates with the surname of Li, the surname of Lai and the surname of Guo, as well as voters. After the interrogation, it was found that the candidate for the city councillor surnamed Li, the surnamed Lai and the surnamed Guo were all suspected of delivering cash bribes ranging from NT$1,000 or NT$2,000 per vote to voters, asking them to vote for the surname Li. Candidates who violate the Act on Election and Removal of Public Officials for the crime of election bribery, have serious criminal suspicions, and have the risk of colluding with accomplices and witnesses, and apply to the court for detention and interdiction. Prosecutor’s office urges the public to contact the office as soon as possible if they have received direct or indirect bribes from candidates surnamed Li, and do not make mistakes or feel regret later.

In order to maintain "fair elections and eliminate illegality", Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office actively handles election bribery investigations. Recently, it has detected several cases of candidates violating election strike laws. One defendant has been prosecuted, another defendant has been detained, and seven people have been released on bail. Chief prosecutor Zhang Xiao-wen stated that the investigation  of bribery by this department has “No bottom line”, “No upper limit”, “No time limit”, “There is news, must investigate”, “Evidence must be investigated”, and integrate the procuratorate, police, investigation, AAC and immigration departments gather the energy of the agency team to handle the case, Do their best to investigate the bribery, and candidates must not take chances to do illegal acts. For those who illegally bribe elections, we will definitely investigate and deal with them strictly, and safeguard democracy and the rule of law.

The Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office calls on the public to actively report “WHO” , “HOW”,”WHEN”,”WHERE”,”WHAT” ,all the situations of bribery. May have the opportunity get up to 5 million in bonuses. The Report Hotline of The Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office is (05)2752548, fax line (05) 2780445 or toll free line 0800-024-099Go to 4.

(Posted on 111.12.16)

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