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Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Notifications of Reporting for Enforcement Case Session

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2022-06-26
  • View count:525

Please bring a summons and identity document to Bailiff Room, and attend to the matter in registration and they will lead you to the case officer in Enforcement Section.

  • Enforcement Section:

The Enforcement Section is located on the left side of the gate entrance on the 1st floor in our office. You are welcome to query our volunteer about your hesitation, and we will guide you instantly. (the 1st-floor plan)


  1. A legally subpoenaed inmate who fails to appear without good reason may be arrested with a warrant.
  2. The application for commutation to a fine will be permitted if it met the requirements of standards after review. We do not accept any lobby.
  3. The inmates with the punishment of fine need not come to our office in person, and you can authorize family to pay the fine in cash or remit the money. Please enclose the remittance and make cheques payable to Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecutors Office, and include the name of the inmate, enforcement case number, offense charged, and section number on the envelope.
  4. Please call our Citizen Service Center, if you have other questions. Tel. 052782601 ext. 100
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