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Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Notifications of Accuse Bell in Prosecutors

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-06-15
  • View count:446
  1. In order to facilitate the people to complaint, report, or voluntary surrender  to justice, there should be set an electronic bell named "Accuse Bell" in Prosecutors Office at all levels for people at any time.
  2. Accuse bells is set near the door of Prosecutors Office at all levels are managed by turns and teached how to use them by Bailiffs on duty. There must be no obstructions.
  3. There should be a usage notice and a plaque that indicated "The Accuse Bell of XX Prosecutors Office" hanged at the place where the bell was set.
  4. As soon as people who want to complaint, report, or voluntary surrender  to justice ring the bell, they should be lead to the investigation room by the Bailiffs on duty. People should keep silent and wait the investigation there.
  5. After the accuse bell rings, according to the law, the prosecutor on duty should investigate and make a statement with the clerk right away.
  6. When a informer somebody else do not want to reveal his name and request the Prosecutors Office to keep it secret, the District Prosecutors Office ought to allow it if necessary.
  7. If a complainant or informer is suspected of a fale accusation, the Prosecutors Office should investigate it by law.
  8. The accusing time is within working hours, except for the emergent situations.
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