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Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Service Counters

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2022-06-26
  • View count:3508


    1. Application Counter : Receiving victims' petitions or mails

    2. Payment Slip Counter : Issuing duplicate payment slip for required fees (bail, loot, imprisonment-converted fines, fines)and changing a provisional receipt to a official one.Service Counters

    3. Revenul Counter : Paying the fees according to the slips.

    4. Refund Counter : Returning the bail and paying the conduct money to witnesses.

    5. Report Counter for parole : A paroled person has to report to the prosecutors' office in the district of his or her residence within 24 hours.

    6. Probation Consultation Counter : When a person paroled from custody completes the report procedure at the report counter,the probation officer will immediately tell him or her the regulations he or she has to follow, and provide psychological consultations.

    7. Litigation Assistance Counter :

    • Replying to questions about criminal procedures (including the procedure to apply to the prosecutor for appealing the case)

    • Helping a litigant or persons involved understand the procedure of litigation
      Assisting persons surrendering to justice, persons who voluntarily submit, and the use of the accusation bell.

    • Assisting with the report on availability, filing an application, and requesting for subpoena or postponement.

    • Assisting with the procedures of bailing; fulfilling the obligation by the party who bails out a criminal; petition for an end of detention, removing the name from the wanted list, and lifting the ban of arrival and departure of the country.

    • Assisting with the payment of bails and fines.

    • Assisting with applying for suspending or delaying the execution, converting the imprisonment into fines, paying fines with installment and converting fines into imprisonment.

    • Assisting with the return of bails, loots, evidence and conduct money for witnesses or expert witnesses.

    • Assisting with the obtaining of prosecutorial documents, certificate for the conclusion of a case, and other documents.

    • Replying to enquiries on the progress of reconsideration, investigation, and other matters.

    • Writing or making a copy of routine petition without the reasons free of charge on behalf of the applicants.

    • Providing legal assistance to common people. As for questions on legal affairs, please consult the Bar Association which provides legal assistance to common people.


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