Tasks of Rehabilitation Protection Association
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- Last updated:2023-06-15
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Taiwan After-Care Association Chiayi Branch
Brief introduction
Modern criminal policy has already developed from traditional punishment doctrine to the educational punishment doctrine, from passive punishment to positive
protection education. The goal of rehabilitation is to adhere to benevolence, forgive and combine private forces and social resources to help and coach the discharged prisoners and others that should be protected in accordance with the regeneration law. To enable them to rely on his/her own efforts and get along with the family, school and social life again, in order to prevent recommitting crime and safeguarding the community.
The organization is located at No.170, Keelung Rd. Sec. 2, Taipei City, and has19 branches across Taiwan. The main office has a board of directors, whereas each branch has one committee, which is in charge of aftercare operation. Staff are either full-time or part-time, taking care of each type of opeartion in their responsible area. Each branch's rehab area is subdivided into village, town/city, or region, and suitable aftercare consultants will do the business in these places.
Based on the situation of each area, consulting institutes, schools, and manufacturing and career training schools are avilable. They help and protect discharged prisons. Chiayi branch, Taiwan Rehabilitation Association, is going to do the rehab job in Chiayi County and the office stands at No.286, Linsen E. Rd., East District, Chiayi City 60072, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The Taiwan,Chiayi rehabilitation protection branch works in promoting every rehabilitation protection work in the Chiayi area. The office is at No.286, Linsen E. Rd., East District, Chiayi City 60072, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Staff members include the executive secretary, executive vice secretary, secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc. Total amount of 7 people who specially handle every rehabilitation protective work. Inside the district are 5 counseling supervising areas, and more than 100 enthusiastic, professional volunteers are selected to promote the rehabilitation protection work.
IV.Service Subject
Those who finish the prison period or the persons who are released from prison.
Those under conditional release ,released on bail, or to be released for medical reasons.
Those who finish rehabilitative disciplinary action or the executor from disciplinary action.
Those who finish youth disciplinary action.
According to Article 253 of the Criminal Procedure Law or Article 147 of the Militarily Trial Law, the person who is proper not to conduct a suit and not be to suited.
Those who are declared immiscible of the punishment, or the executor of immiscible punishment.
Those who are declared suspension of punishment.
Those who receive the declaration of the sentence or the detention, and stop the punishment or persons who refuse to be taken into custody.
Teenagers who are under probation of the probation officer .
Those who are under the protection and restraint.
V.Methods of Service
The rehabilitation protection can only be carried out after the agreement and application of the protected. It is different from the power, public right, the strong-hand protection system . The service methods are divided as direct protection, indirect protection, temporary protection in order to handle the following items:
Communication before the protected person is released from prison.
Education counseling before and after the protected person is released from prison.
Accommodation of the protected people.
Contact and coordination between the protected people's family and the rehabilitation counselors.
Assistance of the protected people.
Production and establishment.
Employment counseling, and issues about school, medical advice, raising family.
Assistance for the protected people who are in poor financial situations.
Accommodation for the protected people and the victims or neighbors.
Tracking and counseling of the protected people.
Fund raising of the rehabilitation protection association.
Development of the rehabilitation protection association.
Other rehabilitations protection issues.
Aftercare is available to those to be protected only when they agree or apply, so as to distinguish aftercare operation from the public-right, compelling probation system. Aftercare operation includes direct, indirect, and temporary protection.
Direction Protection:
Take in and help the discharged prisoners join manufacturing and career training.
Indirect Protection:
Help discharged prisoners get a job, go to school or see a doctor, and have home care or urgent assistance.
Temporary Protection:
Finance discharged prisoners to travel and buy vehicle tickets, have meals and accommodation, and help them register their permanent residence, subsidize their medical fee and send them home or other places, or grant a small loan to them.
Taiwan After-Care Association Chiayi Branch
telephone number: 05-2778610
Fax: 05-2713938.
Please accept our invitation and come with us
"give him chance to help him, he can do better, let us care about the reformed people together!"