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Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Addiction Treatment During Deferred Prosecution

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-06-15
  • View count:574

I. Introduction
For the new anti-drug policy, “Cut off the drug supply, Demand reduction.”, prosecutors may order the drug abuser of first-degree substance and second-degree substance perform medicine therapy, psychotherapy, social rehabilitation therapy in the period of one-year after evaluation at medical intuition. The scope of addiction treatment is reducing the possibility of relapse by elevating self-control, abstinence from the drug, and social adjustment.

II. Method
A. The prosecutors may transfer qualified and willing drug abusers of first-degree substance and second-degree substance to Drug Abuse Prevention Center and cooperation hospitals for evaluation of addiction treatment.
B. The offenders who were ordered addiction treatment during deferred prosecution will be follow-up and supervised them to accept addiction treatment in cooperation hospitals by probation officers, case managers, and health care workers.
C. The offenders will be informed to accept urine collection and examination in the district prosecutor’s office, which can provide them life adjustment ability and reduce recidivating possibility.

III. Cooperation hospitals in addiction treatment
A. Chiayi Branch, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, tel. 05-2359630
B. 76Wanqiao Branch, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, tel. 05-2791072
C. Chiayi Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, tel. 05-2319090
D. Puzi Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, tel. 05-3790600
IV. Successful anti-drug hotline: 0800-770-880

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