- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:111-12-13
- 資料點閱次數:3596
案由全稱 |
Full Title of Alleged Crime |
內亂 |
Subversion |
外患 |
Treason |
妨害國交 |
Offenses of Interference with Relations with Other States |
瀆職罪 |
Offenses of Malfeasance in Office |
瀆職 |
Offenses of Malfeasance in Office |
妨害公務 |
Offenses of Obstructing an Officer in Discharge of Duties |
妨害投票 |
Offenses of Interference with Voting |
妨害秩序 |
Offenses of Interference with Public Order |
脫逃 |
Offenses of Escape |
藏匿人犯及湮滅證據罪 |
Offenses of Concealment of Offenders and Destruction of Evidence |
偽證及誣告罪 |
Offenses of Perjury and Malicious Accusation |
公共危險 |
Offenses Against Public Safety |
不能安全駕駛致交通危險罪 |
Drive Under the Influence |
肇事逃逸 |
Hit and Run Driving |
偽造貨幣 |
Offenses of Counterfeiting Currency |
偽造有價證券 |
Offenses of Counterfeiting Securities |
偽造度量衡 |
Offenses of Falsifying Weights and Measures |
偽造文書 |
Offenses of Forgery |
妨害風化罪 |
Offenses against Morality |
強制性交 |
Rape |
乘機性交 |
Offenses of Opportunistic Sexual Intercourse |
強制猥褻 |
Offenses of forced obscenity |
妨害性自主罪 |
Sexual offensess |
利用權勢性交 |
Power-Abused Sexual assault |
妨害風化罪(其他) |
Offenses against Morality(other) |
妨害婚姻及家庭罪 |
Offenses Against Marriage and Family |
褻瀆祀典及侵害墳墓屍體罪 |
Offenses Against Religion, Graves, and Corpses |
妨害農工商 |
Offenses Against Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce |
賭博 |
Offenses of Gambling |
殺人罪 |
Offenses of Homicide |
殺人未遂 |
Attempted Murder |
過失致死 |
Manslaughter |
傷害罪 |
Offenses of Causing injury |
重傷害 |
Offenses of Aggravated Assault |
傷害致死 |
Offenses of Injury Resulting Death |
過失傷害 |
Offenses of Negligent Injury |
遺棄 |
Offenses of Abandonment |
妨害自由 |
Offenses Against Freedom |
妨害名譽 |
Offenses Against Reputation |
妨害信用 |
Offenses Against Credit |
妨害秘密 |
Offenses Against Privacy |
竊盜 |
Larceny |
竊佔 |
Nlawful occupancy of the real property |
強盜 |
Robbery |
搶奪 |
Abrupt Taking |
海盜 |
Piracy |
侵占 |
Embezzlement |
詐欺 |
Fraud |
背信 |
Breach of Trust |
重利 |
Usury |
恐嚇取財得利 |
Offenses of Obtaining Property and Benefits by Extortion |
擄人勒贖 |
Kidnapping for Ransom |
贓物 |
Offenses of Receiving Stolen Property |
毀棄損壞 |
Destruction, Abandonment, and Damage of Property |
毀損債權 |
Impairment of Creditor's Rights |
妨害電腦使用罪 |
Offenses Against Computer Security |
入出國及移民法 |
Immigration Act |
護照條例 |
Regulations for Passports |
政府採購法 |
Government Procurement Act |
家庭暴力防治法 |
Domestic Violence Prevention Act |
貪污治罪條例 |
Anti-Corruption Act |
槍砲彈藥刀械管制條例 |
Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act |
組織犯罪防制條例 |
Organized Crime Prevention Act |
妨害兵役治罪條例 |
Punishment Act for Violation to Military Service System |
電信管理法 |
Telecommunications Management Act |
通訊保障及監察法 |
Communication Security and Surveillance Act |
鐵路法 |
Railway Act |
國家總動員法 |
National General Mobilization Act |
懲治走私條例 |
Smuggling Penalty Act |
違反森林法 |
Violation of the Forestry Act |
國家公園法 |
National Park Law |
山坡地保育利用條例 |
Slopeland Conservation And Utilization Act |
水土保持法 |
Soil and water Conservation Act |
漁業法 |
Fisheries Act |
遠洋漁業條例 |
Act for Distant Water Fisheries |
投資經營非我國籍漁船管理條例 |
Act to Govern Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels |
毒品危害防制條例 |
Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act |
水利法 |
Water Act |
建築法 |
Building Act |
消防法 |
Fire Services Act |
銀行法 |
Banking Act of The Republic of China |
貿易法 |
Foreign Trade Act |
金融控股公司法 |
Financial Holding Company Act |
票券金融管理法 |
Act Governing Bills Finance Business |
不動產經紀業管理條例 |
Real Estate Broking Management Act |
信託業法 |
Trust Enterprise Act |
信用合作社法 |
Credit Cooperatives Act Of The Republic Of China |
電子票證發行管理條例 |
Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards |
電子支付機構管理條例 |
Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions |
保險法 |
Insurance Act |
商業會計法 |
Business Entity Accounting Act |
會計師法 |
Certified Public Accountant Act |
記帳士法 |
Certified Public Bookkeepers Act |
律師法 |
Attorney Regulation Act |
海關緝私條例 |
Customs Anti-Smuggling Act |
洗錢防制法 |
Money Laundering Control Act |
資恐防制法 |
Counter-Terrorism Financing Act |
稅捐稽徵法 |
Tax Collection Act |
所得稅法 |
Income Tax Act |
營業稅法 |
Business Tax Act |
遺產及贈與稅 |
Estate and Gift Tax Act |
稅捐稽徵法(其他) |
Tax Collection Act (other) |
精神衛生法 |
Mental Health Act |
傳染病防治法 |
Communicable Disease Control Act |
違反人工生殖法 |
Violation of Assisted Reproduction Act |
性侵害犯罪防治法 |
Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act |
藥事法 |
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act |
麻醉藥品管理 |
Controlled Drugs Regulations |
著作權法 |
Copyright Act |
公司法 |
Company Act |
食品安全衛生管理法 |
Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation |
野生動物保育法 |
Wildlife Conservation Act |
動物保護法 |
Animal Protection Act |
專利法 |
Patent Act |
營業秘密法 |
Trade Secrets Act |
兒童及少年福利與權益保障法 |
Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act |
兒童及少年性交易防制條例 |
Child and Youth Sex Trade Prevention Act |
兒童及少年性剝削防制條例 |
Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act |
勞工安全衛生 |
Occupational Safety and Health Act |
公職人員選舉罷免法 |
Civil Servants Election And Recall Act |
總統副總統選舉罷免法 |
Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act |
商標法 |
Trademark Act |
證券交易法 |
Securities and Exchange Act |
證券投資信託及顧問法 |
Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act |
公平交易法 |
Fair Trade Act |
多層次傳銷管理法 |
Multi-Level Marketing Supervision Act |
就業服務法 |
Employment Service Act |
期貨交易法 |
Futures Trading Act |
國家安全法 |
National Security Act |
反滲透法 |
Anti-Infiltration Act |
社會秩序維護法 |
Social Order Maintenance Act |
人口販運防制法 |
Human Trafficking Prevention Act |
個人資料保護法 |
Personal Data Protection Act |